Showing posts with label Swift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swift. Show all posts

Tutorial: Introduction to SpriteKit in Swift

(Image courtesy
This is an introduction to a series of SpriteKit tutorials written in the Swift programming language. (We will release the entire series over the course of several weeks). At the top level, this tutorial will be broken up into seven sections. Each section will be comprised of several lessons. For our first section we will focus on the fundamental techniques for working with SpriteKit content. Since sprites are the fundamental building blocks used to create the majority of a games scene’s content we will look at that next. We will then learn how to apply actions to sprites to be able to move around in a game scene. In section four we will expand on the basic concepts just learned by delving deeper into the concept of a node tree and ways to build our game scenes. We will then look at advanced scene processing techniques. In the sixth section we will learn how to simulate physics on the bodies within our scenes. And lastly we will discuss SpriteKit best practices.

Sample Project: An iOS Dedicated WebKit Web Browser in Swift

Within our own native iOS application it may be desirable or necessary to display content that is already being hosted on our website. Displaying our already existing Privacy Policy or Terms of Service agreement content is one example. A reasonable user experience would allow them to navigate our web content but prevent them from straying to external websites or other parts of our website. 

Dedicated Web Browser

Tutorial: A Simple iOS Collection View in Swift

A collection view is a great way to present view elements in a grid-like arrangement. The precise layout of visual elements is definable through subclassing a collection view. Collection views are packaged with a data source facility that makes it possible for an app to generate data-driven views (collection view cells). In this tutorial we will create a subclass of a UICollectionView and write a random color generating function to supply our collection view data for its cells.

Auto Layout and UIScrollView: A “Pure Auto Layout Approach” iOS Tutorial in Swift

With the advent of Auto Layout to iOS, more and more of the applications that we write will incorporate this new technology. If you are not using Auto Layout, then you are most likely writing error prone code that does a lot of mathematics that adjust your views for various situations. Auto layout is math but without all the complexities of doing mathematics. It simplifies the mathmatical process by abstracting out the most arduous part of computing view geometries—namely, view geometry dependencies. Solving simultaneous equations is a thing of the past with Auto Layout. We now “simply” specify the relational attributes between view geometric properties and let Auto Layout do the rest! However, as we all know, the introduction of a new framework brings a new set of hurdles to the table. One of the major hurdles that we have encountered is learning how to speak Auto Layout. We need to be very precise when using this new API. Our most recent difficult encounter was learning how to apply Auto Layout to a UIScrollView so that it behaves in a predictable way.

In this tutorial, using a “pure Auto Layout approach,” we will programmatically create a UIScrollView with three subviews of UIView's. (See video below)

These three subviews, colored blue, yellow and green, will comprise the scrollable content area of our scroll view. The size and position of our scroll view will be animated into place by modifying its Auto Layout constraint values. The size of our scroll view (the view port) will be defined as a ratio of the width and height of the device's screen. The width of the scrollable area will be defined as one and a half times that of the scroll view's width. Our scroll view along with its subviews will dynamically resize to support both landscape and portrait view orientations, however, the ratio of the scrollable area to that of the scroll view's width will not change. If you are not familiar or in need of a refresher of these two technologies follow these links: UIScrollView, Auto Layout.

Setting Up
Download and boot-up the latest version of Xcode. From the Welcome screen, press (command+shift+1) if it's not visible, select the “Create a new Xcode project” from the option menu.

Welcome Screen

On the next menu, select "Single View Application" and click on the button labeled "Next."

Select Type of Application

For the following menu fill out all the fields as shown. For the "Organization Name" field you may type in the name of your organization instead.

Project Options

On the final menu for this setup you are prompted to select a location where this project will live. You are also given the option to place this project under source control using git. If you know how to use git then by all means use it! Otherwise uncheck the selection box where it reads "Source Control."

Code Structure
From the "Navigator" window, typically positioned to the left of Xcode, select the "Project Navigator" icon located in the top left corner.


(If you can't see the navigator window as shown in the figure above then you may need to unhide it. To do this, in the top right corner of Xcode you will find a button with three segments, select the left most segment to show or hide the "Navigator" window). Double click on the yellow folder labeled Auto Layout and Scroll View to reveal its contents. Select the file named ViewController.swift. In the text editor you will find the boilerplate source code that defines the subclass of this view controller. Replace all the code for the class definition with the following:

The code above is the entire skeletal code of our project. Code lines 4 and 5 define the height and width of our scroll view as a ratio of its the root view. The root view is the top most parent view in our view hierarchy; it fills the entire devices screen.

View Hierarchy
From the code snippet above, code lines 8 through 12 are the view objects that will comprise our project's complete view hierarchy. The asvContainerView object is a subview, or child view, of the asvScrollView object. The asvLeftView, asvMiddleView and asvRightView are sibling objects and subviews of asvContainerView. The sibling views are the objects that make up the visible contents of the scroll view.

Figure 5. View Hierarchy

Figure 5 is a visual representation of the described view hierarchy. The brown colored view is the asvScrollView object; the parent object of the views that sit in front of it. The cyan colored view is the asvContainerView object. The blue, yellow and green are the asvLeftView, asvMiddleView and asvRightView, respectively.

Meat and Potatoes
(Optioanal) The first function, asvInstallBlogName, that we define sets up a label for our blog's name. In this function, find the comment "// code placeholder tag //" and replace it with the following lines of code:

For the function asvApplyCenteringConstraints locate the comment "// code placeholder tag //" and replace it with the code below:

This function simply centers our scroll view, asvScrollView, object relative to it's root parent view.

Locate the function asvApplyHeightAndWidthConstraints and replace the comment "// code placeholder tag //" with the following lines of code:

In this function we simply install the height and width constraints on our scroll view, asvScrollView, object. As mentioned earlier, the height and width of this scroll view is a fixed ratio to that of its parent root view—the devices visible screen area.

Inside the function asvInstallScrollViewContainerWithConstraints locate the comment "// code placeholder tag //" and replace with the following code:

This function adds a scroll view container, our asvContainerView, as a subview of the root view along with Auto layout constraints so that it resizes proportionately to the various root view sizes.

For the function asvInstallScrollViewWithoutConstraints replace the comment "// code placeholder tag //" with the following lines of code:

In this function we install asvScrollView object as a subview of the root view, without constraints. We delay the installation of the constraints so that we can animate their installation into place later on in this tutorial.

Inside the function viewDidAppear replace the comment "// code placeholder tag //" with the following lines of code:

The first four lines of code sets up our view hierarchy by calling methods that we have stubbed out; we will later define these methods. The last two lines of code call our, stubbed out, custom methods that setup the height, width and centering constraints of our asvScrollView object.

Replace the comment "// code placeholder tag //" inside the function asvInstallSubviewsInsideTheScrollViewContainerWithConstraints with the following lines of code:

The above code installs subviews on our asvContainerView object. As mentioned earlier, these subviews comprise the visible content of our scroll view. We also setup Auto Layout constraints so that these subviews resize proportionately to their container view; a desired behavior when supporting various device screen sizes and device orientations—landscape and portrait modes. We also setup differing colors on these subviews to be able to readily discern between them.

Compile and run the application in any of the iPhone simulators. Once your application is running you should see on your simulators screen something similar to the image depicted in figure 6, while your simulator is in portrait mode.

Figure 6

After rotating you simulator to landscape mode you should see something similar to figure 7. Try to scroll the colored images from left to right.
Figure 7

Brief Animation
For our finishing touches we add a little bit of animation. Locate the following lines of code inside the viewDidAppear function,

and replace it with the following code:

This project can be found on GitHub.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial. As always, comments, questions, suggestions and critique are welcome below.

Swift Networking Tutorial Index: Building a Swift App to Query a Custom API

Our tutorial series on networking in Swift provides a detailed, practical overview of the topic from the back-end API to the end user application. The series is broken up into two major parts. In the first part, we build a custom web service in PHP which provides access to a RESTful API that serves inventory content from a hypothetical plumbing supply shop. Knowing how to create a simple API is useful for delivering mock content during your app development cycle, and provides application developers with more knowledge on precisely how such a service is constructed. In the second part, we use table views to create a Swift application to query our custom API and deliver the contents of the service to the end user of the application. Use the index below to navigate the tutorial.

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece.

Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This is the final article in our tutorial segment on building a Swift client application to query a RESTful API and serve the response to the end user in a table view. If you've been following along since the introductory article, we've come a long way, and we're almost done! But we're not at our final destination just yet.

When we last left off in part four, we had added the necessary code to display thumbnail images next to our lists of inventory items. In this article, we will walk through the process of adding views for each individual item in our inventory such that when a user taps an item in the list view, she'll be presented with an item description scene that displays: 1) a bigger picture of the item, 2) the name of the item, and 3) the lengthy item description provided by the API. Let's jump right in.

The Item Description Scene
We will now set up our final story board scene. When the user taps on an inventory item from among those listed in the table view, we want to display a new view that provides an image at the top of the screen and below it a scrollable content area that displays the description text for the selected item. Create a new file,  and name it PlumbingSupplyItemDescriptionViewController:

Switch over to the main storyboard and drag a view controller into the scene. Next, drag in an Image View and place it to the top of newly added view controller. Give the Image View a height of 160 points using the size inspector in the utilities panel. With the Image View selected, bring up the 'pin' popover view as shown below:

Within the 'pin' view, uncheck the 'Constrain to margins' box and select the horizontal red bars and the top vertical red bar. Also check the 'Height' box as shown below:

Finally, click the button that reads 'Add 4 Constraints.' If done correctly, you should see no red or yellow lines near the Image View:

Now drag and drop a Text View into the scene, and size it as shown below with a small margin all around. (The vibrant color you see in the image below on the Text View was set by us so that it is clear what object we are referring to).

While the Text View is selected, bring up the 'pin' menu again, uncheck the 'Constrain to margins' box, and select the horizontal red bars and the vertical red bars as shown below, and then add the constraints:

We will now make the view controller that we dragged into our storyboard be of type PlumbingSupplyItemDescriptionViewController. Ensure that the view controller is selected. From the Identity Inspector menu locate the Class field and type in PlumbingSupplyItemDescriptionViewController as shown here:

Open the Assistant Editor. You should now see the main storyboard with our selected view controller along with the corresponding class. To the top of this class add the following code:

Like so:

To link these IBOutlets (@IBOutlet) to the elements to our main storyboard, we select the given element on the story board with [control+left mouse button] and drag the blue line over to the corresponding variable as shown below:

Do this for both elements in the view controller (i.e. the image and the text), connecting them to the corresponding outlets in the class.

When we select a table view cell from our list of inventory items, we want our newly-added view controller to be presented to the user. To do this we will [control+left mouse button] from the table view cell located in each of our table view controllers and drag the blue line over to the new view controller. Do this for both table view controllers. When the drop down menu appears select 'Show.'

From Apple Docs: “The Navigation Bar provides a control for navigating hierarchical content. It’s a bar, typically displayed at the top of the screen, containing buttons for navigating within a hierarchy of screens." To prevent the Navigation Bar from overlapping our Image View, we need to set some properties in the main storyboard. Ensure that the newly-added view controller is selected. From the Attributes Inspector menu locate the check box labeled 'Under Top Bars' and uncheck it. Run the application, navigate to one of the two categories and select one of the item table view cell. You should see a view similar to the following:

Item Description Scene: Displaying Image and Text
When using storyboards with segues, the system provides a callback method to the source view controller for when the segue is about to be performed. This allows us to prepare the destination view controller for its presentation onto the screen. (A segue is triggered when we select a table view cell that was linked to some view controller using a storyboard segue.) Ensure that the callback method is located in the PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController class like so (by default it is supplied in the class but commented out):

Uncomment this code block if it is commented out, and replace the comments in this callback method with the following snippet:

On the first line, the segue object provides a reference to the destination view controller. On the second line we cast the sender object that the callback method provides as a table view cell since the cell that was selected becomes the sender of this segue event. Then we grab the index of the selected cell, on line three, and use it to retrieve the associated plumbing supply item from our data source and send it over to the destination view controller on line four. To avoid having to download the image again we simply capture it in our destination view controller from the selected table view cell.

Now back to the destination view controller class, a.k.a the PlumbingSupplyItemDescriptionViewController. Define these three functions:

The viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) function is a system method that we override with custom behavior after the view appears onto the screen. In this method we set the title of the view controller to the name of the selected item and call a function that downloads the description of an item. Replace the comment, '// title and download //,' within this method with the following snippet:

Notice that the item description text is passed through a completion handler closure once the download is complete. The code 'self.bsn_textView.text = itemDescription' sets the Text View's text area with the text of the item description. On the source view controller, we did not use this completion handler, which is available on its networking request method, but instead made the UI updates inside the method itself. We prefer to update the UI outside of the method that is tasked to download content as it makes for clearer code by breaking up the variegated logic into separate sections. Both approaches are possible, as we'll now see.

In the function urlForItemWithDescription(itemID : String) -> (NSURL?) add the following lines of code:

This method takes an item's id, maps it one of two possible endpoints and inserts that item id into the selected endpoint. The mapping is done by inspecting the first two characters of an item's id and using a switch statement.

In the function, requestItem(endPointURL : NSURL?, responseHandler : (. . .) -> () ) -> (), add the following code:

This code should look familiar. We already described what this code does when we originally downloaded inventory items. The only difference here is that we passed our data for the UI element to the completion block.

For our final function, i.e. the system function viewDidLoad(), place the following code within it:

The first line of code takes the captured image that was assigned to us by the source view controller and insert it into our Image View. The second line sets the font type and size of the items description. The third line disables editing of the Text View since this functionality should not be applicable. The fourth line displays text that serves to indicate that there is activity with getting an items description. Run the application and navigate to the item description page. You should see a screen similar to the one depicted below:

Success!  With that, we've completed the last major task for our Super PHPlumbing Bros Swift client application! When run, the client queries our custom API to first display the titles of the two inventory categories supplied by the API. When the user selects one of those categories, the app displays a list view of the inventory and provides each item's name along with the corresponding thumbnail image. And finally, when the user selects an individual item, the app displays the full image along with the item's full description.

This project can be found on GitHub.

We hope you've found this tutorial series helpful and fun. As always, questions, comments and suggestions are welcome below!

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece. 

Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4

This is part four in our tutorial series on building a Swift client application to query a RESTful API and serve the response in a list view to the end user of our app. When we left off in part three, we had successfully created a list view of the items in the two inventories supplied by the API. But a simple list of item names isn't very exciting. Let's add thumbnail images to display alongside the item names in our inventory listings.

The images we'll display alongside our inventory items are not stored within our Xcode app bundle, rather, if you recall, they are served up by our custom API along with item id's, names, and descriptions. We will therefore download the inventory item images and display them to the left of our item names. You can download the image assets from our Git repository for the project here, so as not to have to create mock image files with the appropriate file names yourself. After you've downloaded the files, place them in an appropriate folder alongside the other files for your inventory API.

Multithreading in Swift
All user interface related events, touches as well as view updates, occur on the main thread. Thus, if we perform operations that take a long time to complete, this will block or prevent the user interface from responding and or updating view elements—this is not desired behavior since it makes for a terrible user experience. To prevent blocking the user interface from receiving touch events while we download an image, we will download images on a secondary thread.

To get images we need their URLs. Recall that within our item model object (i.e. our PlumbingSupplyItem class) we have a property called 'bsn_image'. This property holds a URL to a unique image that corresponds to the item name in the same model object. 

In our PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController class, we'll thus create an operation queue that will run on a thread other than the main thread. Toward the top of that class type the following line of code:

The string in the quotation marks here is completely arbitrary, and serves to avoid name collisions. In the function func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell, add the following snippet:

The first line of code (line 2) gets the image URL for the cell that is about to appear onto the screen. We will use this URL to download the corresponding image. The second line of code (line 4) is a call to the dispatch system. It copies the code that is nested within the closure and places this copy on our backgroundQueue. The code within the closure comprises an operation. Our backgroundQueue will then dispatch the copied block of code at a system determined time—in the immediate future. This is known as executing an operation. (The code above is structured in such a way that, for each instance of a cell that appears onto the screen, an operation is spawned and placed onto our operation queue. For example, when our table view first loads we have at most the same amount of operations as there are visible cells.) For our next line of code, currently just a comment, we want to capture the index of the cell that is requesting this image download operation. As a result, each operation on our queue will have a record of the cell's index that requested this operation. Now place the following line of code under that comment (on line 6):

For our next lines of code, currently just a comment, we retrieve an image's URL and begin downloading it. The NSData class has the following method that will synchronously download some data from the provided URL. (Synchronously, in this context, means that the request will block our thread, but not the main thread, until the download is complete. This is desired because we want the image's data to download before proceeding to the next lines of code that processes and displays the images). Add the following code below the relevant comment:

On the next line of code we verify that the image was downloaded without a hitch. If the image failed to download, then the error object would not be nil. Since displaying an image in an already displaying cell is considered a user interface update, it must occur on the main thread or else our images will not get displayed. To accomplish this we will dispatch operations to the main queue; on the next line of code, the call to the dispatch system does just that. For our next line of code, currently just a comment, we create an UIImage object from the raw downloaded data. Place this line of code under the relevant comment:

The following line of code gets the index of the cell that corresponds to the cell that spawned this image download operation. Place this line of code under the relevant comment:

Now locate the if-statement with the text, '/* compare indices */', and replace the comment with the following line of code:

This if-statement compares the captured cell index to the cell's current index. If the captured cell index is equal to the current cell index, then the cell that requested the image is still on the screen. We therefore present the downloaded image by executing the code that is nested within this if-statement.

When scrolling the table view,  the cells are reused to improve performance. When a cell is scrolled off the screen, instead of being purged from memory it is instead reused with a new index assigned to it. The issue is that when a cell is reused and subsequently redisplayed onto the screen, the cell spawns another image download operation which puts us in a state where we have more than one operation associated with any given cell.

To understand the issue here, suppose that the user scrolled the table view enough times that a single cell has four associated image download operations. When the individual operations complete their task, they message the cell by attempting to load an image into it. The visual result of four operations loading an image into one cell is a rapid succession of images changing as each operation loads its image. This behavior is not desired. Also, since the images may not download in the same order in which they were requested, we may wind up displaying the wrong image—this is bad!

The next two lines of code set the image on the current cell and tells the cell to lay out its cell for the newly provided image. Run the app and select one of the two plumbing supply categories. You should now see a table view with images and associated text as depicted below:
Success! We've displayed the relevant thumbnail images alongside the names of the items in our inventory lists. We're almost done! In the next and final article in the series, we will construct our individual item detail views. But before we conclude, let's return to the image-display issue mentioned above. 

To see the effect of allowing each operation to set a cell's image by not checking cell indices do the following. Comment out the if-statement: if currentIndex?.item == capturedIndex!.item). Now locate this line of code: self.dataSource = self.inventoryItems(data). Just below that line, load the data source multiple items by adding this line of code: for index in 1...5 { self.dataSource += self.dataSource; }.

Run the app and select one of the two categories. On an inventory items list page, quickly scroll down to the last element, you should see the images changing in rapid succession! To fix this effect, uncomment the if statement code only. Run the application again and quickly scroll to the last element. The issue should have been fixed.

It's good practice to cache data that is expensive to download. In our example, every time we scroll to a cell with an image that has already been shown, we don't request it from a local memory cache but instead download it every time. Our accompanying project repository contains sample code with a cache implementation. Simply comment out existing code and uncomment 'Version Two' sample code for a caching implementation—located in two places. If you run this implementation you will notice that the images load much faster when scrolling. This is highly desired behavior. 

This project can be found on GitHub.

That's it for the present piece. In the final article in the series, we will construct our individual item detail views.

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece. 

Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3

This is part three in the tutorial segment on building a Swift client application to query a RESTful web API, from our series of articles on networking in Swift. In the first segment, we created a custom RESTful API in PHP that serves up the inventory of our hypothetical plumbing supply shop.

In this segment, we have been building a Swift client which queries this API and delivers that inventory content to our end user. In part one, we got our Swift application up and running. In part two of building the Swift client, we created our basic data model, hooked up the segues to our inventory views, and successfully handled raw responses from the server by printing them to the Xcode console.

In the present article, we'll create model objects from the JSON dictionary returned by the server (at the end of part two), and display our inventory item lists in their respective table view controllers.

Model Objects
When we left off in part two, we were filling out the requestInventory method in our PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController. Currently, that method simply prints the returned JSON dictionary to the Xcode console. We'll now create model objects from this dictionary by factoring out the relevant code from the requestInventory method and placing them in a separate method to handle this logic. In your PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController file, add the following method below the requestInventory function that we were working on in the previous article:

Notice that in the last line we do not print out the jsonResult dictionary object but instead wrap it in an array and return it to the caller. In the requestInventory method, replace the three lines of code we factored out into the new inventoryItems method with the following two lines of code:

If you run the app and select one of the two inventory item categories, you should see the same response as before in your console, but wrapped in an array. We'll now refine the raw JSON data. Replace the return [jsonResult] line of code in the inventoryItems method with the following snippet:

Let's take a closer look at this. The first line gets the raw data dictionary object from the JSON results container. The second line defines a container that will hold model objects that are built from the raw data dictionary objects from line one. Inside the for loop we iterate through the raw data dictionary objects and build an array of refined data objects. And in our last line we simply return the array of model objects.

If you now run the app again, you'll see the difference in the Xcode console output, which now returns a tidy array mapping individual inventory items to their memory locations. Let's display these inventory lists in their respective views.

Displaying Our Inventory Item List
Return to the main storyboard. Locate and select one of the table view cells from our PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController scene. In the Attributes Inspector, locate the Style drop down menu and select the option “Basic.” Locate the Identifier field and type in “Cell”. Finally, locate the Accessory drop down menu and select the option “Disclosure Indicator.” Do the same for the other cell as well.

Now open the file PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController.swift file. Inside and toward the top of the class, add the following property:

This data source property will supply our dynamic table view cells with the information to display on screen. The number of items in our data source will always be equal to the number of items from a single plumbing supply inventory category. In the same class  replace the default boilerplate code for the three methods below with the following snippets:

These data source methods are called by the system to query this controller on how to proceed when building our table view and displaying content within it. In the first method we simply tell the system that our table view will display only one section. The second method says that the number of items in our single table view section is equal to the number of items in our data source.

The last method does several things to build a table view cell. In the first line (line 12 in the snippet above) it dequeues a reusable cell. When scrolling a table view, table view cells that scroll off the screen are placed on a queue for reuse and cells that scroll onto the screen are removed from this queue and reused. This process helps speed up table view performance which makes possible the smooth table view scrolling with which we are all familiar. On the second line (line 13) we utilize the indexPath object to get the row number of the cell that is next to become visible in our table view; the row number corresponds to a unique item in our data source. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the cells and the items in our data source. The following line gets the name of an inventory item and assigns it to the label of the next cell to become visible. The last line simply returns that cell.

Let's jump back to where we defined our requestInventory function. In this method, replace this line of code that reads println(inventoryItems) with the following snippet:

What's going on here? In line 1, we capture a reference to the data source that is received from the self.inventoryItems(data) method call. The next segment is a C level API call to a dispatch system, on a queue of our choice, which executes code that we place inside its block/closure. The code inside the closure performs updates to our UI elements.

According to Apple's documentation, any code that updates UI elements must be executed on the main queue—which is what we do. The first line within the closure asks our table view to reload since we have assigned items to its data source. The second line hides the web activity indicator spinner, since our request for web content has terminated. Run the app and select on of the two plumbing supply categories. Once the content downloads you should see a table view similar to the one depicted below:

Success! We've successfully displayed the list of inventory items returned by the web API. Notice, however, that we did not use the callback responseHandler( error: nil, items: nil) closure but instead updated our UI in the method from above. We leave this as an exercise for the reader to implement. If you are not sure how to go about implementing this, don't worry, we wrote another method on a different controller that uses the closure to update its UI elements after an update. We do this towards the end of this tutorial.

This project can be found on GitHub.

We're almost done! In the next article, we'll display thumbnail images alongside each of the items in our inventory list above. And then in the final tutorial, we'll build our item description scene for each item in the inventory that displays the full image along with the extended description supplied by our API.

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece. 

Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2

In the first part of this tutorial segment on networking in Swift, we got our client app up and running with a simple table view controller listing the two inventories supplied by the RESTful API we created in the initial segment of the series. In the present article, we will: 1) set up our data model, 2) create the segues to our inventory views, and 3) process raw responses from the server asynchronously. 

Building the Item Data Model
Our code looks better and becomes easier to manage when we build objects that represent or model the data items that we receive from our web service. To this end, we'll create a file for our individual plumbing supply items using a Cocoa Touch Class template, and then fill it out with the necessary parameters supplied by the API. Open up your Xcode project if you haven't already. In the Xcode Project Navigator panel, right click on the top most group folder. From the menu options that appear, select new file.

You will be presented with a set of options similar to this:

Under iOS, select Source, followed by Cocoa Touch Class, then click Next. Under the secondary menu options: next to the 'Class' field type in PlumbingSupplyItem. For the next field, 'Subclass of', type NSObject, do not create a XIB file (uncheck box), and for the Language portion ensure that Swift is selected:

Click 'Next'. When prompted to select a destination, place the file alongside the other project files. If the file is not automatically loaded into Xcode, then open it from the Project Navigator panel. Now place the following code within the PlumbingSupplyItem class implementation:

As you can see, this code block models the data item passed from the RESTful API we built in the previous segment of this tutorial series, initializing an item id, an item name, an associated image and an item description. It doesn't get much simpler than this.

Segues to the Inventory
With our data model in place, we'll now create our controller class for our inventory, using a table view. This will allow us to mediate between the two inventory table views upon a touch event by the end user.

In the same manner that we created the PlumbingSupplyItem model file, create a new file named PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController using a Cocoa Touch template, and have this file subclass a UITableViewController. From the Object Library, located in the Utilities panel, drag and drop two UITableViewControllers into the main storyboard as depicted below:

Select one of the two view controllers that were just dropped in. Now, in the Identity Inspector, located in the Utilities panel, find the Class field, and type in the name of the class we just created (i.e. PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController) as shown below:

Do the same for the other controller as well, since we are building two separate views of the same kind of object, i.e. items in each of our two inventories.

Note that when you are zoomed out in a storyboard, you can only make selections on the view controllers themselves. To make selections on a controller's internal elements, you have to zoom in. Armed with that information, go ahead and select the cell with the label 'Plumbing Tools'. While holding down the Control key and the left mouse button, drag your mouse over to the top right most view controller and release. During this motion you should see a blue line stretch from our starting location, the table view cell, to our final destination, the view controller.

Upon releasing your mouse button over the controller, a menu will appear. Select the top option that reads: Selection Segue->Show.

Now repeat the same steps for the other cell as well. Your storyboard should look like the following:

What did we just accomplished? We have set up view controller view transition objects known as segues. These segues will respond to a user's touch of a cell. When a cell is pressed, the associated segue will transition to the view controller that it points to.

Preparing Our Segue
Since we will be using a single view controller to display the different inventories of plumbing supplies from the two possible options, namely, Plumbing Tools and Copper Pipes and Fittings, we need to inform the destination view controller which cell was selected. The tip of a segue arrow is said to point to the destination view controller and the tail of the arrow is said to originate from the source view controller. Create a file named PlumbingSupplyCategoriesTableViewController and have this file subclass a UITableViewController.

Now we'll hook it up on the story board. Select the source view controller, i.e. the controller with the two cells. In the Identity Inspector, located in the Utilities panel, where the field reads 'Class', type in the name of the file and class we just created: PlumbingSupplyCategoriesTableViewController. In the main storyboard, select the segue arrow that is associated with the cell labeled 'Plumbing Tools'. From the Attributes Inspector, located under the Utilities panel, locate the Identifier field and type in: plumbingTools.

Do the same for the other segue arrow, but this time provide the Identifier with the name from the title of the other inventory list: copperPipesAndFittings.

We're now going to jump back to our code files. In the PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController.swift file, place the following code (in line 3 below) immediately after the class definition, like so:

Now, over in the PlumbingSupplyCategoriesTableViewController.swift file, replace all the code inside the class PlumbingSupplyCategoriesTableViewController: UITableViewController { . . . } with the following snippet:

This is a system call method that is responsible for notifying the source view controller that a segue is about to be performed. The title that we set in the code above is to the destination table view controller that we segue to. On this destination controller we also set the plumbing inventory url endpoint so that the controller can load the content that was chosen by its corresponding table view cell. Our destination has enough information to load the entire inventory of the selected plumbing category.

Holding Pattern: Activity Indicator
Before we request a list of inventory items, it is customary to run an activity indicator to show the user that our app is in the process of getting some information to display. In the PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController.swift file, below the line of code that reads var inventoryUrlEndpoint : String = "", enter the following line of code:

This line of code creates an instance of UIActivityIndicatorView and makes it private. Now we're going to fill it out inside the viewDidLoad method. In the same file, but inside the method override func viewDidLoad(), add the following lines:

Save all your files and run the application. Once it loads, segue to the two inventory table view controllers. You should see an activity indicator animation as shown here:

Requesting an Inventory
Inside the PlumbingSupplyInventoryTableViewController.swift file, immediately below the webActivityIndicator property, we'll now define another variable that holds a reference to a URL session object that will asynchronously handle our web request. Enter the following line there:
var urlSession = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
At the bottom of the same class, we now define a function that will perform the url session request, parse the request and send us back objects if the success was successful. Here's our first stab:

If you are new to Swift, this function might look rather cryptic. That's because it is! It was no easy task to get this right—a whole lot of Google engineering was required on our end. Lets break it down by parameter:

    'endPointURL : String'
        - 'endPointURL' is an arbitrarily chosen parameter name that we defined in order to identify this parameter, and the 'String' portion requires that the passed in object be of string type.

        - 'responseHandler' is an arbitrarily chosen name for our closure, a.k.a block in Objective-C.

    'error : NSError?, items : Array<PlumbingSuppleyItem>?) → ()'
        - This portion defines a closure.
        - The 'error : NSError?' segment is again an arbitrarily chosen parameter name, and the 'NSError' portion requires that the passed in item be of NSError type.
        - The question mark (?) indicates that the passed in object is optional, meaning that a nil may be provided—in its absence we are required to pass in a none nil value NSError object.
        - 'items : Array<PlumbingSupplyItems>' indicates that the passed in object is a container that holds objects of PlumbingSupplyItem type. 
        - The arrow followed by the parenthesis '→ ()' indicates that this closure returns no values. Instead, objects are passed through the closure's callback parameters.
        - The second arrow followed by parenthesis '→ ()' indicates that the function returns no values.
        - The arrow along with the parenthesis may be omitted for both the function and closure.

Okay, that was a mouthful, but what happens when the view appears on the screen? Let's define it. Right below the viewDidLoad method, we add the following code for our new viewDidAppear method:

This function will be called by the system when the view appears onto the screen. This is good spot to begin requesting inventory items. Notice that we are calling our previously defined requestInventory function. Let's revisit that function now. Replace all the existing code inside the requestInventory method implementation, with the following snippet:

Let's go through this line by line. Line 1 creates an NSURL object from the provided endPointURL string that is referenced by a constant named url; it is essentially a wrapper object for a string formatted URL. This NSURL object is required by our urlSession object that is on the next line of code.

On this line of code, i.e. line 2, we create what is known as a 'data task' for querying our web service. This call spawns an asynchronous operation that communicates with our PHP web service without blocking the main thread. Not blocking the main thread is highly desired if we want our user interface to continue to be responsive—this makes for a better end user experience. Once the communication with our web service completes, the completionHandler closure and all of our code that is contained within this closure is executed. The closure has three parameters: 1) the raw data that comes from our web service, 2) a response object containing the headers from our web service response, or 3) an error object if the request failed.

Line 4 prints the response object inside the Xcode console.

Line 6 is a call to a closure that we defined for our requestInventory function. The parameters provided are an error object if any, and a list of data objects for our inventory items. Currently, we only return nil values. 

Run the application the select both Plumbing Tools and Copper Pipes and Fittings table view cells. You should see the response objects printed for both selections in your Xcode console. The responses in your Xcode console should look similar to this:

Success! Notice that the response object is of type NSHTTPURLResponse. This response object contains information about the requesting url, and the header fields from our web services. Notice the status code of 200; this means that request was completed without issue. You can also print the data object but in its raw form it will not make much sense—try it if you'd like. The communiqué between the host and client is comprised of two parts. The first part is known as the head or header and the second part is known as the body. A typical request or response will contain both of these parts (It's possible to just request the head of a web service response—Google to find out how). The real-world analogy that is often used to describe this is paper mail. The electricity bill, for example, is comprised of two parts as well. The first part is the envelope itself that contains information about its sender—the head. The second part is the contents of the envelope that contains information for the recipient—the body.

JSON Parsing
Now let's get our raw inventory. To do this, we take the response or body of the message and translate it into a container that we can readily read from. In the same function that we've been working on, replace the following line of code that prints out the response, (i.e. println(response), line 4 in the snippet above) with the following:

The first line of code creates a parse error pointer to an object of type NSError, or nil value. On line 2, we call the NSJSONSerialization class method JSONObjectWithData(. . .) and pass to it our raw data response from our web service along with the memory address of the pointer that we created on the first line.

This last method will convert our raw data into a mutable container of type NSDictionary. If the conversion process fails, then this method will assign an error object to the provided memory address with a description or nature of the failure.

The last line of code simply prints our newly created container to the console screen. Save the file then build and run the application. Navigate to one of the inventory endpoints from the table view. In the Xcode console, you should see a similar response to this:

This project can be found on GitHub.

Success! Our application is now querying our tools and supplies API, and returning the inventory response for each of the categories listed on our primary view controller. In the next article in the series, we'll create model objects and then display our inventory item list in our Swift client. Continue to part three on building the Swift client.

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece. 

Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1

If you've been following along from the beginning of this tutorial series on networking in Swift, you're now running a local web server and have created a simple RESTful API in PHP that serves up the inventory for our hypothetical Super PHPlumbing Bros. project. In this segment of the series, we'll build the iOS Swift client to bring that content to our end user. In the present article, we'll start our Swift project from scratch and create a single view application using a table view controller that will serve as the primary interface to our inventory of plumbing tools and supplies.

In the Beginning . . . 
Download and install the latest version of Xcode, if you haven't already, and fire it up. From the Xcode menu bar (or the Welcome screen) select File->New->Project. A window will appear with various options to choose from. In the left hand panel, under iOS, choose 'Application'. And in the main panel select 'Single View Application'. Then go ahead and click 'Next' as shown below.

On the following window you will be asked to name your application. Name it what ever you like. Under the Language section select Swift from the drop down menu. Make sure that the build is for iPhone in the 'Devices' menu, and then click 'Next' again.

You'll then be prompted to choose a location to house your project and will be given the option to place the project under source control. If you know how to use git for source control, then by all means use it! Otherwise, uncheck the box if it is already checked and click 'Create' to start up the project.

Displaying the Available Services
In our Swift application, we want to present the user with all the available services that our supply shop has to offer. Our custom API provides an interface to our inventory of Plumbing Tools as well as our inventory of Copper Pipes and Fittings. To present these options to the end user we are going to use a table view. So let's jump in. In the navigator panel (the left panel) of Xcode, locate and select the file named Main.storyboard.

Once the main storyboard loads, scroll to the pre-loaded Single View Controller and select it. When properly selected its border will turn blue, as seen here:

As we are going to use a table view, we can safely discard this default view controller. Delete the single View Controller by pressing the delete key on your keyboard, while the controller is selected. In the Utilities Panel on the right side of the Xcode interface, locate the Object Library submenu. Select a Table View Controller, and drag and drop it inside the main storyboard. 

While the new controller is selected, point your mouse toward Xcode's menu bar and select: Editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller. This embeds our selected Table View Controller into, you guessed it, a Navigation Controller.

A Navigation Controller is a stack for managing the presentation order of our view controllers. Select the Table View situated inside the Table View Controller, and then select the Attributes Inspector from the Utilities Panel. Locate the 'Content' field and select 'Static Cells' from its drop down menu.

You should see three cells appear inside the Table View. We only need two such cells, as this is where the user will be presented with the option to browse either the Plumbing Tools inventory or the Copper Pipes and Fittings inventory. Delete the bottom cell by first selecting it, and then pressing the delete key on your keyboard. Now let's name our two primary interfaces. For each of the two remaining cells, select the cell, and then locate the 'Style' field in the Attributes Inspector panel. From the 'Style' drop down menu select 'Basic'.

Both table view cells should now display a label that reads 'Title'. Two clicks in rapid succession on a label will place it into edit mode. Modify the titles so that they read from top to bottom, 'Plumbing Tools' and 'Copper Pipes and Fittings', respectively.

In order for the application to run, we need to specify the initial view controller that we want to load when the application first boots up. In the main storyboard, select the Navigation Controller. Then, in the Attributes Inspector menu, locate the check box that reads, 'Is Initial View Controller' and select it as shown below:

In the top left corner of Xcode make sure that the active scheme is set, and click the play button to build and run the application. Once the iOS simulator starts up, your app should look like this:

This project can be found on GitHub.

Success! We've built the primary view that will be presented to the end user when they open our iOS application. In part two of this segment, we'll begin building our data models. You can find part two in the tutorial on building the Swift client at the link.

Introduction and Overview: From the Back End API to the End User Application

The Web API
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 1
Building a RESTful API in PHP, Part 2

The Swift Client App
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 1
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 2
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 3
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 4
Networking in Swift: Building the Swift Client, Part 5

This tutorial was authored by Stefan Agapie, a Senior iOS Software Engineer, and adapted for the present piece.