A Bachelor's Level Computer Science Program Curriculum
An Intensive Bachelor's Level Computer Science Program Curriculum
Free Lecture Courses on Data Communications, Networking, Cryptography and Computer Security
A Python Tkinter Tutorial: Building a Simple File Hashing GUI Application
Teach Yourself Python in Less than Four Months, Part I
Benchmarks: Teach Yourself Python in Less than Four Months, Part II
50 Python Resources for Beginner and Intermediate Programmers
Book Review: Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
Interview with Al Sweigart, Author of Three Introductory Books on Python
Swift (iOS)
Tutorial: A Simple iOS Collection View App in Swift
Tutorial: A Simple iOS Stopwatch App in Swift
Swift Networking Tutorial: Building a Swift App to Query a Custom API
Auto Layout and UIScrollView: A “Pure Auto Layout Approach” Tutorial in Swift
Sample Project: An iOS Dedicated WebKit Web Browser in Swift
Tutorial: Introduction to SpriteKit in Swift
Tutorial: Introduction to SpriteKit in Swift
Hacking and Security Testing
How to Set Up a Home Hacking and Security Testing Lab
Hashing: How and Why to Check a File's Hash Value
How To: Install Ubuntu Server Virtual Machine in VirtualBox
30+ Resources for Linux Beginners
Pirate Box: A Simple LAMP Stack Live Server Build
Angular (>=9)