I Know It's Only Rock 'n Roll (Setlyst App Review), But I Like It

Are you a rocker?  Do you rock out?  Then you know that, amid all the beers, babes, gear, and gregariousness of live performance, it really helps to be organized.  A new app can help take care of at least a little bit of that (without making you start a budget for a real manager...)

Now you just have to worry about staying inflammable and keeping your gear in one piece.
(Image courtesy wallpedes.com.)

The new "Setlyst" app, available for iOS, helps you compile and display the list of tunes that are your audience's audio menu for the evening.  For those hectic shows where you're busy with load-in, tuning, and fending off swarms of admirers, this makes the process of setlist compilation tremendously more simple.  That means you get to spend more time being a rockstar and less time digging through your mental archives to find the right song to close with.

Don't waste too much time compiling sets...the fans are getting rowdy.
(Image courtesy under30ceo.com.)

You can sort through your songs organized by key, length, or tempo.  It's also a helpful repository if you have a big/weird back catalog of material and want to throw some curveballs into the act ("Hey guys, I almost forgot we did that sick metal Katy Perry 'Hot 'N Cold' cover back in 2008...want to weird some people out?")

\m/.   .\m/
(Image courtesy dieselsweeties.com.)

Voila, now you have a neatly-arranged and displayed set list of appropriate length and key, and you can get back to drinking beer and autographing boobs pre-show, like the rock gods intended!  You can also share your setlists online, so your groupies won't all be fighting over who'd get the handwritten stage version.

Just don't spill too much beer (or blood) on your phone.
(Image courtesy a5mzstatic.com.)

Setlyst is free, and works on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.  More features will be added soon, but in the meantime, set 'em up and knock 'em out, rockers!

   Need a little inspiration?  Here's a gnarly cover.  
                       Make your music however you want, but make your sets with Setlyst!

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