A Kick In The Astroturf: Amazon Trounces Fake Online Reviews With AI

You might love the internet, but you probably don't trust the internet.  With all manner of scams from impostors faking cute pictures on dating sites, to robots faking comments on popular blogs, the skullduggery is ceaseless.  Now, Amazon aims to use artificial intelligence to take down one of the worst offenders against our online honor...fake product reviews.

The truth will set you free.  Everything else will set you up for something crazy.
(Image courtesy i.huffpost.com.)

Space Station Sunday: Eyes And The Dragon

Good afternoon, space fans!  Here’s what was up, up in orbit this week...

Just space things.
(Image courtesy Terry Virts.)

Watch Out: Apple Watch 2.0 Already In The Works

Time flies, and technological pertinence flies with it.  Since the launch of the much-lauded Apple Watch brought the fans out in force for the treasured timepieces this year, it has been revealed that Apple is already working on their new-and-improved 2016 model.

Ready for round two, Apple lovers?
(Image courtesy nymag.com.)

Let My People Browse: “Lifeline” Program Brings Internet To Low-Income Families

The internet has helped to level the field of knowledge for human beings worldwide, but those whose finances have prevented them from surfing the wild waves of the web shouldn’t have to suffer.  Now, thanks to a new ruling, low-income American families will be subsidized to provide them with access to all that the world-wide web has to offer...

Of course, this is assuming they have internet-enabled computers...
(Image courtesy indievault.it.)

FALL IN LOVE, CITIZEN! New State-Run Iranian Dating Service Demands Romance

With birth rates declining and singles growing ever older, the nation of Iran felt it needed a boost in the developing-world department.  And what better way to grow as a people than to coerce them into procreation via a state-run dating network?

Likes: longs walks in the desert, not talking too much, and being submissive to religious law...
(Image courtesy astrologer.nyc.com.)

Let's Have A Big Hand For The Gesture Vocalizer!

With all the avenues of communication available to human beings these days, it's hard to imagine that there could be a demographic that still finds trouble getting their ideas across.  Yet, this is just the problem that deaf people have when trying to "talk" to people that don't understand sign language.  Now, thanks to four enterprising young engineers in India, this language barrier can be broken down...

A rudimentary version of the Gesture Vocalizer.
(Image courtesy cdn.instructables.com.)

A Bridge To The Future: 3-D Printing Robots To Build Metal Footbridge Over Amsterdam Canal

The projects that 3-D printers are now capable of undertaking are vast, from organs to garments to housing.  The architectural aspects are proving to be fascinating new ways of creating structures, including some that might not be cost-effective or even physically feasible for humans to similarly construct...

Bots building beauty...coming soon!
(Image courtesy trueactivist.com.)