Showing posts with label neuroscience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neuroscience. Show all posts

Notes From The Brainframe: Scientists Work On "Mind-Reading Machine" To Sense Speech

Like time travel and the ability to vacation on the moon, mind reading has always been one hallmark of a most fascinating future.  Now, technology may be on its way to taking us there, at least as far as having our thoughts manifest into verbalized words, sans standard speech...

Huh.  That's fucking crazy.  I need another beer before I write this story.
Oops, sorry.  That was the internal monologue talking.
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Strained Brains And Song Refrains: Could This New Music App Help Restore Some Lucidity To Those Afflicted With Declining Minds?

Music has been inextricably linked to culture, community, and comradeship since the first caveman hit some rocks together in a catchy beat.  Its influence has spanned the globe and has even journeyed into the stars.  Our greatest composers and artists are held in the same respectful strata as our greatest heroes...and now, there might be one more reason why.

Rock out 'til the clock's out.
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Ingrained In The Brain: New "Brainprints" Security Metric Proven 100% Accurate

We've all seen a spy movie where someone's fingerprint-scan is needed to access an important area, and they end up forced to scan in at gunpoint, or simply having their finger lopped off to fulfill the invaders' needs.  And even retinal scans could possibly be faked with the right medical information and digital technology.  However, the latest security is key is stashed somewhere very safe:  inside your skull.

When your brain is your password, is your cap the Caps Lock?
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Not Just Your Imagination: New Neural Networks Accomplish Tasks Together

They say that if a hundred monkeys were put in the same room and forced to type, eventually they'd write the works of Shakespeare.  But what if the monkeys had neural augmentation devices that allowed their brains to team up to tackle the project together?  Could they manage to outdo even the Bard?

Hook it up and book it up!
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A Spark Of Brilliance: Nanoparticles Can Stimulate, Heal Brain Via Electromagnetic Fields

The human brain can be stimulated in many ways, but it's top-shelf fuel of choice is electricity.  Now, thanks to tiny nanoparticles that can interact with neurons, the possibilities for tuning the brain to optimal operational standards is possible...

A magnetic mind is a beautiful thing.
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Planes On The Brain: Non-Aviatrix "Flies" An F-35 Simulator Thanks To Neural Signalling

Ever have one of those dreams where you're flying?  What if you could do the next best thing in real life and control a plane with your mind?  Now, the U.S. military has designed a way to make this possible...

Forget flying by the seat of your you can fly by the seat of your mind!
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Thync Before You Act: New Wearable Device To Assess And Regulate Mental States

If you thought putting on your headphones and turning up some good tunes was the best way to improve your mood for the day, you might be interested in the latest cutting-edge, life-lifting wearable technology.

According to, the new device "Thync" has received $17 million in funding and is set to launch next year.  It is a wearable device which focuses on certain neural pathways to improve various elements of the user's perception.  Neurosignaling algorithms generate responses in the brain that improve one's focus, energy, and even calmness.

Samir Kaul, a partner at Thync's start-up financers, Khosla Ventures, explained, “We back the talented team at Thync because we see a revolutionary convergence at the intersection of neuroscience and consumer technology."

Other wearable emotion-detectors/mind-readers such as Emotiv's "Neuro-Headset" are also at the forefront of this revolution. In 2015, it is estimated that some 300 million wearables will be in the hands and brains of consumers.

It's your coffee, Ritalin, and Vicodin, all in one handy zap to your brainframe!