Drone-O-Gram! Amazon Secures Patent For Air-Based Deliveries

Like it or not, drone technology is here to stay.  Besides providing for brutally asymmetric warfare, however, they could also be pretty useful for delivering things other than bombs.  Since we all know the surveillance state isn’t about to let anything get actually lost anymore, it only stands to reason that a new patent could provide drone-docks all around your neighborhood…

Just make sure they use lots of bubble wrap in the packing...
(Image courtesy dailymail.co.uk.)

According to cnbc.com, Amazon has gone aeronautic, and has been awarded a patent for “docking stations” to harbor drone-based deliveries.  These stations would allow the drones to land atop streetlights or steeples for the purpose of package delivery.  The drones could also recharge themselves autonomously during the course of a long-distance run, or while awaiting their next mission…er, delivery.

"Grabbers" for packages...but also for intel?
(Image courtesy qkabul.com.)

The stations could theoretically be so numerous that they would provide a significant map of sorts for the delivery drones to navigate by, and aid the drones in “talking” to one another for more expedient service.  The stations could also provide a safe haven for the drones in case of sudden storms.  Rooftops, cell towers, and electrical poles have also been considered for the drones’ homes.

They did the math.
(Image courtesy forbes.com.)

Packages would be delivered downwards via a “vacuum tube, dumbwaiter, elevator, or conveyor.”  These sites, while seeming imminently prone to theft, would likely be held under strong surveillance.  But hey, that means free or cheaper internet for the neighborhood, without any need for more cell towers! 

And probably no more pigeons.
(Image courtesy episode1.com.)

While this all sounds like a very cunning ploy from the surveillance state (DRONES EVERYWHERE!  RECHARGE THEM AT WATCHTOWERS!), we could see the benefit in not wanting to wait days for your package to show up via boring old regular mail.  And it would be kind of cool to watch this new form of airmail swoop in with any arrivals.  But how many drones will there be, and where?  What else are they taking note of in their travels? 

The results remain to be seen.  In the midtime, maybe they’ll just stick to slinging pizza?

At least they're not delivering children...yet.
(Image courtesy politicalcartoons.com.)

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