Cities and counties around the country continue to use funds from DHS to further militarize local police and ramp up the Democratic and Republican parties' ongoing war on basic constitutional rights and liberties. In the present case, police won't even reveal the nature of the electronic warfare devices being deployed against the people. From the
Pontiac Tribune:
‘HailStorm’ is a new device obtained by the Oakland County [MI] Sheriff
with monies from a U.S. Homeland Security Grant and so far, there isn’t
much information available on what exactly it can and cannot do. There
were no questions asked when Oakland County commissioners unanimously approved the use of this cellphone tracking device previously used by the US military in Iraq.
Undersheriff Michael McCabe told The Detroit News that the federal
Homeland Security Act bars him from discussing the Hailstorm device.
Many privacy advocates are questioning why one of the safest counties
in Michigan needs the very powerful, super-secretive military device
called ‘Hailstorm’. The Detroit News sought basic information about
Hailstorm and the county denied their Freedom of Information Act request.
The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, located here in Pontiac, is the
only police department in the state of Michigan(that we know of?)
currently using the military technology. If you think this is an
invasion of privacy, you are not alone.
Total and utter tyranny and an outrage! Why aren't there any comments?!?!