Go Out With Your Glow Out: Prototype Bio-Fueled "Mourning Lights" For Cemeteries

Sure, the future may look cool now, but what about looking further...say, for after you're dead?  If you're not useful and good-looking already, here's a way that you may be able to improve that...although unfortunately, it'll be too late for you to really enjoy it.

Not exactly like this, although that would be cool.
(Image courtesy aliexpress.com.)

Space Station Sunday: New Crew, And Robot Rovers Too

Good afternoon, space fans!  Here's what was up on the ISS this week.

Controlled chaos of the coolest sort.
(Image courtesy NASA.gov.)

Sample Project: An iOS Dedicated WebKit Web Browser in Swift

Within our own native iOS application it may be desirable or necessary to display content that is already being hosted on our website. Displaying our already existing Privacy Policy or Terms of Service agreement content is one example. A reasonable user experience would allow them to navigate our web content but prevent them from straying to external websites or other parts of our website. 

Dedicated Web Browser

Pizza Delivery Bots: Dominos' Autonomous Awesomeness

You may have heard that robots are coming to take your jobs.  While we'll still require human brain-meat to calculate and create certain amazing things (like cool blog articles, amiright?), it's getting more and more clear that many menial gigs are about to go extinct.  This week's sacrifice to the Singularity?  Pizza delivery people.

Aww, it's so cute, you almost don't want to crush it for stealing your livelihood.
(Image courtesy engadget.com.)

Your Drunk Tweets = Their Science Deets

Well, it's St. Patrick's Day, and we're here to confirm your invasive thoughts that maybe you should totally do a whole bunch of drunk social media posts to tell all of your friends and family and exes and pizza deliverymen how much you love them.  What?  Why?  Because at one point in New York City, it was totally helping science.

We're not talking about the science of mixology, though that counts too.  *Burp.*
(Image courtesy scientificamerican.com.)

Space Station Sunday: Wins Of The One-Year Crew (Part Two)

Good afternoon, space fans!  We're back with another installment on all the space that's fit to chase.

One of Scott Kelly's many "Earth Art" photos taken during his time aboard the ISS.
This one was captioned, "#Goodnight #Earth!  Make me proud."

The Witness Of Fitness: Health Apps Want Your Hot Body (Of Data)

Do you have a smartphone, smartwatch, or otherwise e-enabled device that you use to keep track of your health and fitness habits?  That's good, in the sense that you care enough about yourself to hopefully not totally devolve into a donut-demolishing dumpster.  It's bad, however, that all of your fitness data might not just be kept solely between you and your get-buff gadgetry.

"Sweet, I just beat my best 5K time!
But what's with all these ads to join the army?"
(Image courtesy lifefitness.com.)