Space Station Sunday: Eyes And A Storm

Good afternoon, space fans!  Here's what was up on the ISS last week.

Celebrating 300 style.
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Congratulations, astronaut Kelly and cosmonaut Kornienko!
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On The Mooove: Beef Tallow Biofuel Helps Propel Navy Ships

The U.S. Navy is the mightiest fleet in the world, but with the tides turning on fossil fuels, how will they expect to stay sustainable in the 21st century?  The answer is fat.  Gallons and gallons of it.

It's like how you eat burgers for fuel...
except mixed with petroleum and multiplied by a warship.
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Trust The Thrust: SpaceX Dragon 2 Is One Step Closer To Mankind's Giant Leap Into Space

SpaceX has had many ups and downs (literally) in its quest for sustainable rocketry, but with every test flight, they are inching closer to the goal of having an updated, manned spacecraft to explore the cosmos with (or at least make manned trips to the ISS.)  Now, we've learned that this mission has continued apace...

A DragonFly test vehicle throws down with its thrusters during flight tests of the new system.
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That Tune In Your Head...Lock It Down With This New App

So, you're a rockstar.  Or at least you're attempting to be one.  Really, someone needs to step up and fill a few recently-vacated positions, so why not you?  It's just that sometimes, those facemelting solos and sweet, sweet licks escape your brain while you're trudging away at your day job (or the bar...whatever, we don't judge.)  Fear not, however...there's now a way to keep track of your proto-"Greatest Hits" album...

All they need now is a screaming crowd app, a tour booking app,
and a doing-lines-off-strippers'-butts app.
But until then, you can still rock out.
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Space Station Sunday: Floating In A Most Peculiar Way

Good afternoon, space fans!  Welcome back to all the most awesome information from orbit.

Hallo, spaceboy!  Astronaut Tim Peake kept his cool during his debut spacewalk.
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"Terminator" Technology, Incubator Effects: Cyber-sperm to the Rescue!

The process of conception is theoretically a straightforward initiative, but like many of the best of human efforts, sometimes it just doesn't work out.  While some of the ever-escalating population of 7 billion people worldwide might not consider the lack of more children a problem, the fact remains that the process of procreation is biologically hardwired in many...and if the usual efforts fail, now they can be technologically stimulated as well.

It's not wearing a cute little scarf...that's a high-tech sperm guidance system!
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Leave A Message, I'm Busy Vaping: New E-Cigarette/Cell Phone Hybrid

As we hurtle towards a fascinating future filled with automation of all ilk, we must be careful that our desires for instant gratification are not surrendered to a ridiculous level of robotics.  Sure, it's nice to have certain things on your phone, like the ability to customize your wake-up routine (complete with kickstarting the coffee pot from bed!), or an app that lets you cuddle with other peoples' dogs, but we need an e-cigarette on there too?  Really?

A fire-free Frankenphone to fill your lungs in between chats.  Oh, technology, you're so crazy.
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