Jumpin' Jack Flash, It's An App: Rock The Rolling Stones' New Release

The Rolling Stones are the encyclopedic definition of rock 'n roll.  After over 50 years, 29 studio albums, and unquestionably the most iconic frontman to ever pivot, prance, pounce, and pout across a stage, if you're not getting some kind of satisfaction from these guys, you're doing something wrong.  And now, there's an app to help get yer ya-yas out...

Hipsters, you are not the Rolling Stones.
But maybe you can learn a thing or two from them.
(Image courtesy iorr.org.)

According to therollingstones.com, the lads have created a way for fans to stay apprised of Stones stuff, whether you're sitting on a fence or 2000 light years from home.  Produced by Disciple Media, the official new Rolling Stones app is heralded as "'THE destination for all things in the Stones’ world’ – an App right at the cutting edge of smartphone tech, which delivers unparalleled access to connect with the band’s longstanding, loyal fanbase."

A few Stones fans at Altamont Speedway, CA, 1969.
Now, you can freak out together via app.
(Image courtesy pinterest.com.)

The Stones, who are currently rocking out Latin America in their Latina Olé tour, plan to feature live streaming videos, updates from band members, ticket pre-sale deals, special contests, previously-unseen audio and images, and other exclusive content via the app.

We're most excited about the behind-the-scenes, on-the-road rowdiness that will appear.  Fans, friends, and street-fighting men can download the free app for iOS and Android here.

It's the Rolling fucking Stones.  They are champions of this.
BTW, listen to "Beggar's Banquet."
(Image courtesy tumblr.com.)

The Stones are set to play a historic free show in Havana, Cuba on March 28th.  If Keith Richards is any indication, further adventures will continue at least until the sun goes black, the universe collapses upon itself and ceases to exist, and the Stones all leave this dimension for want of more extreme existence-spanning excellence (and cigarettes.)

"I'm sorry, did you think I was going somewhere?"  -Keith Richards, probably

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