On With The Wind: Over A Third Of U.S. Power To Be Won From Wind By 2050

Abundant energy is there for the taking thanks to natural, sustainable sources, and now, the U.S. thinks that harnessing even more of it may (literally) be a breeze...

The powers-that-be are upping American wind power.
(Image courtesy cleanandgreenlaw.com.)

According to U.S.A. Today, the U.S. Department of Energy released a report stating that 35% of America's power might be derived from the blustery skies by 2050.  Currently only responsible for 4.5% of the nation's power, wind is expected to generate 10% of America's electricity by 2020.

Version 1.0 has been a proven success for some time now.
(Image courtesy wallpaperup.com.)

Improvements in the collection technology have spurred these numbers further up from an estimated 20% power by 2030, as outlined in 2008 by a report from the Bush administration.  Thanks to its status as a reliable, inexpensive, and non-polluting fuel source, the idea of increasingly abundant wind power is not just hot air.

From sea to shining, blustery sea.
(Image courtesy motaen.com.)

Not only does wind save money, it makes money.  The wind industry (windustry?) in America accounts for 50,000 jobs - a number which is expected to surge to 230,000 by 2030.  According to the plan outlined in the recent report, an estimated 600,000 people could be working with the wind at their back by 2050.  Currently 39 states have wind farms, with more to follow as the technology becomes more affordable and efficient.

16 million homes already, and the gusts haven't even reached full force yet.  Utilizing wind power is not just "a strategy that helps reduce climate-changing carbon emissions, enhances our energy security and supports good-paying American jobs", as the Dept. Of Energy report states. It also shows that our future might be one where we will make serious strides to use the resources already around us to allow our society to become better than ever.

                                         Honor Patrick Swayze's memory.  Be like the wind.

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