You've Been Skyped: Microsoft Provides NSA with Backdoor Access

The paranoiacs are proven right, yet again.  New documents reveal that Microsoft has provided the NSA with access to its users' audio and video chats on Skype, as well as email and message chat logs.  If you want secure messaging, you may have to revert back to carrier pigeons.  From Ars Technica:
Skype audio and video chats, widely regarded as resistant to interception thanks to encryption, can be wiretapped by American intelligence agencies, according to a new report in The Guardian. The report appears to contradict claims by Microsoft that it has not provided the contents of Skype communications to the government.
In a story published Thursday, based on documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, The Guardian offers some detail about extensive cooperation between the FBI, the National Security Agency, and Microsoft to enable government access to user communications via the intelligence tool known as PRISM. That cooperation included, according to the leaked NSA documents, enabling access to e-mails and chats, the SkyDrive cloud storage service, and Skype audio and video calls.

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