Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drones. Show all posts

No Pizza Blitzkrieg Yet: Delivery Drones Deemed Illegal

The Federal Aviation Administration wants to remind everyone that delivery-via-drone, whether for commercial for private purposes, is currently still illegal.

Although the rules regarding the airborne robots are set to be reassessed in 2015, the FAA has allowed drone usage in a limited amount by police and scholars who hold proper "Certificate Of Authority" documentation. They also allowed one company, BP, to use a drone in Alaska to monitor oil pipelines in the deep wilderness.

Regardless of what the rules become in 2015, major businesses that could benefit from drone delivery remain undeterred in their quest to utilize the flying delivery droids. Paul Misener, Vice President of Global Public Policy for Amazon, claims the ruling "has no effect on our plans...this is about hobbyists and model aircrafts, not Amazon."

Drone dogfights to follow?

Birdwatching in 2015 is going to get weird.

Drone Dread Au Poivre: Pepper-Spray Paintballs From Above

In a recent development that's sure not to be reciprocated against with escalating force, South African drone manufacturer Desert Wolf has created a new crowd-control contraption that can shoot protesters with dye, plastic projectiles, or even a beautifully-bouquet'd barrage of pepper-spray-filled paintballs. reports that the Skunk, as the drone is known, has four cameras and four separate ammunition hoppers with which to mete out face-searing force. Controlled by a two-man operating team of a pilot and a "payload operator" (gunner), the Skunk will make its debut patrolling the volatile environment of South African mines. If the Skunk's glaring lights and amplified command orders don't work, the operators may simply rain peppery hellfire down on their charges.

Desert Wolf director Hennie Kieser claims the operators will be watched by microphone and camera to "ensure they aren't too aggressive." Because nothing says "peacekeeping" like pepper paintballs.

The Skunk, stinking things up.  Image courtest

Drone Sweet Drone: FAA Approves First Commercial Drone In US

It looks like oil security, once again, will be used as the main excuse to make a strong and questionable societal statement...except this one is over civilian privacy, and on (well, above) American soil.

As reported by Gizmodo, drone manufacturing company AeroVironment was given the go-ahead this week for a commercial drone to patrol skies over Alaska as a means to guard BP oil pipelines. The drone will also supposedly participate in "some 3D-mapping, wildlife monitoring, and the occasional search-and-rescue mission."

While it is noteworthy that the first commercial drone has been licensed as a way to do a job that is both difficult and dangerous for humans, there is no telling where the FAA will stop regarding the industries allowed to fly these aircraft, or what they are allowed to do while airborne. Armed with cameras, sensors, and sturdy craftmanship (the military-type AeroVironment Puma AE used in Alaska is nearly five feet long with a nine-foot wingspan), it will be intriguing to see how drones at home will aid or aggravate American lives.